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And Update
NOTE! You should make sure you have an up to date copy of your master file before using this function. The Import and Update function can make large changes to your master file.
And Update",
is available from the "Tools"
menu, it is designed to import data from a new download from your PAT tester
and update your master file. This is particularly useful if you are doing testing
in house and want to maintain and up to date master pat file of all your tests.
This function is also useful if you are testing yearly and want to print out
a list of new appliances found and appliances that have been missed from testing
this year compared to last year.
On opening the screen, you need to select a new PAT file that you have just
downloaded that you want to update your master file (the one you already have
open in SimplyPats) with.
Use the Import button to select the file you wish to import. Once selected the file name and the last test date of that file will appear above the list of appliances. The file you select will be check to ensure it doesn't contain any duplicate appliance Id's. You cannot use a file that contains duplicate aplpiance Id's as SimplyPats will not be able to match those appliances to the same appliance in your master file. You can of course sort out any duplicates in your import file first by loading that file and using the "Find Duplicates" option from the "Records" menu.
When the file you are imported has been analysed, a list will appear showing apliances that match those in your master file (shown in blue), new appliances that don't yet exist in your master file (shown in green) and those appliances in your master file that cannot be found in the file being imported (shown in red).
You can use the tick boxes at the top of the screen to select which characteristics of the test you want to be updated. E.g. removing the tick from Appliance Description will mean that no Appliance Descriptions in your master file will be updated. This is important if you are saving time when retesting by not re entering appliance descriptions.
The tick box settings are remembered by SimplyPats when you restart the program.
Click on the Import Button to select the file you wish to Import.
The toggle button will tick those boxes that are blank and clear those boxes that are ticked for the update process.
Prints a report of all the found, new and not found appliances. You can use the Print drop down boxes to select whether you want to Print All, just the Un Found Appliances (Missing Appliances), or just the New Appliances or just the Found Appliances. The Sort By drop down box allows you to change the sort order on the print out to either, by Appliance Id Ascending, or by Retest Date Descending.
Closes the Import And Update screen
Updates those appliances whose appliance id's match according to which options you have ticked.
Adds the new appliances found in the file you are importing into your master file.
Deletes from your master file those appliances not found in the import file. WARNING! You should make sure you have an up to date copy of your master file before using this function.
(This Topic Last updated 01/09/2009)